As a professional and reliable endoscopy center, we have advanced technology to our patients. new model Olympus EVIS-X1 with AI function to provide high-definition and accurate images and operations, specialists It is easier to find hidden polyps for examination for patients; all endoscopic doctors are Specialist in Gastroenterology and Hepatology or Specialist in General Surgery, and all procedures of the center are supervised by the “Chief Medical Executive” (CME) to ensure that all procedures meet standards to ensure the safety of patients with disabilities. In addition, package price are transparent and open, allowing patients to clearly understand the scope of services and the details of charges.
In order to give back to the society and make more patients in need receive proper and professional services, our center participates in a series of government cooperation programs such as colorectal cancer screening program and public-private collaboration program to provide endoscopy.
Our center has been issued a full Day procedure license by the Department of Health: DP000218
The Grand HD was established in 2016 , we follow the principle of safety, comfort, professionalism and convenience. As a professional and reliable endoscopy center, we use the new model EVIS X1 with AI artificial intelligence to help doctors identify and find hidden polyps faster and more accurately, we provide the HD images and operations,so that specialists can more easily find out Hidden polyps perform effective procedures for patients;while our endoscopists, all qualified in gastroenterology/surgery,,以提供更精確清晰的影像和操作,以便專科醫生更容易找出隱藏的瘜肉為病人進行有效的執行手術;而我們的內視鏡醫生全部具有腸胃/外科專業資格,執行一系列安全的程序,確保病人安全。2023年於旺角TOP商場開設旺角高清內視鏡中心,希望能為病人提供更全面、更有效率的服務。
為提高服務質素本中心自開設起便跟隨國際嚴格專業指引,務求令所有病者得到專業,安全,高質的內視鏡檢查體驗,過往更取得兩項國際認證will obtainthe full.license2021.5..
Gastroscopy Completed
Colonoscopy Completed
Over 13,850+
Gastroscopy Completed
Over 18,550+
Colonoscopy Completed
Medical Malpractice Record
- Without Polyp & Biopsy
- Total no. of Polyp and Sites of Biopsy 1-3
- Total no. of Polyp and Sites of Biopsy 4-9
- Total no. of Polyp and sites of Biopsy is 10+
- Without Polyp & Biopsy
- With Polyp or Biopsy
– Banding of Hemorrhoids
– MAC for Gastroscopy / Colonoscopy / O+C
– Video Records
In order to give back to the society and make more patients in need receive proper and professional services, our center participates in a series of government cooperation programs such as colorectal cancer screening program and public-private collaboration program to provide endoscopy.
We use new and advancedEVIS X1 with AI artificial intelligence,to help doctors observe and operate more effectively, easily find hidden polyps, and perform more accurate and effective endoscopic.
What is Colorectal Cancer?
The large intestine is the last part of the digestive system, including the colon, rectum, and anus.
A large number of colorectal cancers begin with a small amount of polyp. Polyp is generally good, but some will gradually evolve into cancer. The process can be last for more than 10 years.
In 2013, gastric cancer was the sixth most common cancer in Hong Kong, accounting for 3.8% of the total number of new cancers.
Early-stage gastric cancer may not have any symptoms, so it is often ignored. Common symptoms include:
The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre6features
Our center has upgraded the latest endoscope system EVIS X1 to help doctors identify and find hidden polyps faster and more accurately, and improve the operation to a higher level. Compared with previous technologies, the EVIS X1 series uses 5 different LED AND mode, TXI (texture and color enhancement), RDI (two-color imaging to easily find bleeding points), NBI (more precise and brighter narrow-band imaging system), EDOF (extended depth of field and dual focus), with 32-inch 4K ultra-high-definition display, improves image quality to a higher level, automatic water pressure jetting and 170-degree wide-angle technology, this package helps doctors easily remove hidden polyps. And more accurate and faster to complete the procedure.
The Grand HD Endoscopy Centre